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Reading Mastodon via Inoreader

Jason Kratz
1 min read

I've been experimenting with reading my Mastodon timeline via Inoreader. Mastodon doesn't have an RSS feed by default for your full timeline but it's easy to create one via Masto Feeder. Masto Feeder generates a very nice timeline feed including a little icon to indicate that an item is a boost.

So far for me the best feature is being able to read my timeline from oldest to newest vs. having to scroll to the oldest post then read upwards. This is on the Mastodon website of course. Nice clients like Ivory keep the position where you last read but even in that case you scroll up, and if your timeline has had a lot of action you'll be doing a lot of scrolling as the client keeps loading new posts.

The other nice thing about using Inoreader and RSS to read my timeline is a built in resistance to instantly responding since it's read-only. There is friction to have to go to the website to respond to something so it's been valuable that way as well.

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