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Jason Kratz
1 min read

This is not intended to be political but as I was going through highlights in Readwise I came across this one from Mehdi Hasan in his newsletter and wanted to say something about it:

And yet people refuse to believe it. Much of the Biden presidency was dominated by talk of a "vibecession" – this disconnect between the (positive) state of the economy and the (negative) view of it held by most Americans. As recently as June, almost 6 in 10 Americans falsely believed that the US was in a recession.

The one thing I would ask for from anyone, right or left, is to be informed of the facts. I realize that in today's environment this is easier said than done, mostly because of trust (not to mention media networks actively working to erode that trust). It is still possible.

We all have access to good sources of information. They are still the same sources we've always gone to for news. Those sources don't include "pundits" on YouTube, randos on TikTok, etc.

I can guarantee you that if your source of news is declaring the other side the enemy they are not a valid source of news. If something they are saying is straight up wrong when viewed through the lens of reliable news sources they are lying to you.

We should all be looking for more diverse sources of information. As an educated liberal I actively look for conservative sources to read. I may not agree with them but that doesn't make either one of us wrong. What is most important is to vet what any of them are saying against reliable sources of the truth.

I realize that it's likely whoever reads this already knows all of this but I felt it was important to say anyhow. You never know where a post will end up on the Internet and if I can reach one other person and convince them to reevaluate how they're getting their information I've done my job.


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